If you have sold or bought any products on Amazon, there's a good chance you have seen an Amazon counterfeit seller before. There is a rising issue of new sellers with the "Just Launched" seller tag listing thousands of products on Amazon and collection sales from unexpected shoppers. The issue with these new sellers is they might say they have the best products at the best prices but are simply taking orders and shipping fake product. By the time the customer knows what happened this "Just Launched" seller has already closed up shop. oAmazon takes counterfeit issues very seriously. If a customer buys a fake product on Amazon or never receives their product it reflects poorly on Amazon. If a customer receives a counterfeit product and the seller has already stopped selling on Amazon what is the customer to do? Amazon is now responsible for reimbursing the customer for their purchase.
Here is how these scammers are making millions. A seller creates an Amazon account using false information. Typically they will use some sort of software to identify top selling products and list those products. Customers will then buy from the fake listing because they are offering the best price. The seller will tell the customer that the product will be shipped shipped in a couple of weeks. Once the customer realizes the product isn't being sent, the fake seller has already left amazon. Then Amazon is responsible for paying the customer back. If you are a buyer, beware of buying a product from a "Just Launched" seller that is claiming to have too good to be true pricing and a catalogue of thousands of products. To read more about this issue read through this interesting Inc.com story about Amazon scammers. There are strategies and techniques to combat these scammers. Fill out our Contact Us Form so we can setup a call and help address some of your issues and concerns. We would love to tell you more about how The Starren Group helps brands sell on Amazon FBA and can help drive sales and optimize your listings. We have years of experience focusing on Amazon FBA Consulting and Amazon Optimization Consulting, let us help you take your business to the next level. Comments are closed.
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